Our Patient Portal is the spot on our website where you can access online scheduling, sign consent forms and update your medical history. All your paperwork will be stored in your patient portal and you can complete all the important paperwork before you walk through our door. You can also access your before and after photos, so you can see the beautiful results of each True Radiance treatment.

patient portal

Please watch both videos below before your appointment.

self-assessment videos

We require a yearly Good Faith examination to ensure that our patients are a good candidate for the procedures he or she is seeking. These TeleHealth examinations are performed by a physician, physician assistant (PA), or nurse practitioner (NP). Once your True Radiance appointment is made, our team will schedule a telehealth appointment for you. Your telehealth appointment can be done from home before your True Radiance appointment. This check up only needs to be done once a year to insure our treatments are safe for you! Your health and safely is our number one priority. 


Pre & Post Treatment Instructions

Botox/Xeomin Treatment Instructions

Botox/Xeomin Treatment Instructions

Pre-Treatment Recommendations:
● Avoid taking aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, St John’s Wort, Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil), Vitamin E, and supplements containing green tea for 1-2 weeks prior to treatment to reduce the risk of bruising and bleeding at the injection site.
● Avoid alcohol 24 hours prior to treatment. This will also reduce the risk of bruising and bleeding.

Post-Treatment Recommendations:
● To help the neurotoxin settle in specific muscles, continue to move the areas that have been treated to “work the toxin into the muscles.” Make facial expressions that move the treated muscles every ten minutes for two hours. This may help your procedure outcome; it will not impact your treatment negatively if you forget to do this.
● Keep upright for four hours after the injections, do not lay flat and use caution when bending over. This is particularly important to minimize any migration to neighboring muscles and causing an undesirable effect in those muscles.
● For 4-6 hours do not wear hats, do not touch, or massage the area, and do not travel by air.
● Refrain from exercise, hot tubs, saunas, laying in the sun or anything else that would increase body temperature and cause an increased blood flow to the area for 24 hours. Feel free to shower and go about most other regular daily activities.
● It can take anywhere from three days up to two weeks for full results to be seen. Please wait the two weeks to evaluate the success of your treatment. The effect of neurotoxin is not permanent. It is recommended to wait at least three months before seeking additional treatments.
● If this is your first treatment with Botulinum Toxin, you may experience an immediate headache, which should subside within the next few hours.
● Call the office or your provider immediately to report any pain, redness, blisters, itching, or skin blanching.

Dermal Filler Treatment Instructions


Pre-Treatment Recommendations:
● Avoid taking aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, St John’s Wort, Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil), Vitamin E, and supplements containing green tea for 1-2 weeks prior to treatment to reduce the risk of bruising and bleeding at the injection site.
● Avoid alcohol 24 hours prior to treatment. This will also reduce the risk of bruising and bleeding.
● This procedure will result in swelling and redness at the injection sites, which will last 1-3 days. There may be bruising which can last anywhere from 3-14 days depending on the individual, however this usually can be camouflaged with concealer make-up. It is recommended to plan your treatment accordingly around your work and social calendar. Usually, we recommend allowing 4 weeks prior to any major events just in case significant bruising happens to occur.
● Please notify True Radiance if you have a history of cold sores. If you are prone to cold sores, undergoing aesthetic treatments on or around the mouth may cause a flair up.  

Post-Treatment Recommendations:
● Immediately after treatment, the most commonly reported side effects are temporary redness and swelling at the injection site. These effects typically resolve within 2-3 days. Cold compresses may be used immediately after treatment to reduce swelling.
● If bruising is present topical Arnica can be used and/or Arnica 30C sublingual pellets.
● Avoid touching the treated area for 6 hours following treatment. Avoid exaggerated facial movements / expressions.
● No make-up for 6 hours after treatment.
● Avoid direct prolonged sun exposure until initial redness and swelling have resolved.
● Avoid exercise for 1 to 2 days post-treatment.
● Avoid kissing, puckering, using a straw, and “lip plumpers”. This can displace the filler material and cause complications.
● Staying well hydrated can improve results. Filler attracts and binds to water to add volume to the skin.
● Avoid facials, peels, micro‐dermabrasion, dental treatment, and “face down” massages for two weeks. Also, sleep on your back for the next few nights.
● Since Dermal Fillers are a temporary treatment, the results will eventually wear off and Dermal Fillers will need to be injected again. Evidence shows that having a follow-up treatment before the product has fully dissipated will enhance the lasting effect. It is recommended to receive your next treatment within 6-9 months for Juvederm and Restylane products and 12-18 months for Voluma.
● Call the office or your provider immediately to report any pain, redness, blisters, itching, or skin blanching

PDO Thread Treatment Instructions

PTO Thread Treatment Instructions

Pre-Treatment Information:
● It may take 2 weeks or longer for the treatment effect to be noticeable
● Bruising and swelling is normal and expected – if bruising is visible you can start taking oral Arnica and apply topical arnica cream.
● Asymmetry and irregularity of the tissues treated is common and should resolve.
● Pain at the injection site(s) is normal – this may last several days or even up to two weeks after treatment. You may occasionally also feel stinging sensation as the solid filler threads settle in, this is normal.

Post-Treatment Recommendations:
● If you see any irregularity or puckering of the skin of the treated areas, you may gently massage those areas by gently massaging in circular motions. You may repeat this 3 to 5 times a day.
● If any of the threads are exposed or start to extrude, you can either gently pull on the thread to try to remove it or you may use fine scissors to trim the suture at the skin. If you are uncomfortable performing either of these maneuvers, please contact your treatment provider to have this performed in the office. Always notify your clinician if this occurs regardless of whether you return to the office or not.
● Avoid exercise for 24 hours.
When to call the office:
● If you experience increased redness, swelling, or pain at an injection area.
● If one or more of the threads begin to extrude and you are unable or unwilling to remove the thread.

IV Hydration Treatment Instructions


Pre-Treatment Recommendations:
● We ask that you eat prior to your appointment time – make sure protein is part of the meal/snack. 
● Bring along a book or music and wear comfortable warm clothes. Some people also feel cold during the infusion, so we recommend wearing layers.

Post-Treatment Recommendations:
● Hydration Therapy is a unique treatment that administers electrolyte-packed IV fluids directly into your bloodstream. Because the IV bypasses the gastrointestinal tract, your body can more quickly absorb the infusion, which means that you will be on your way to feeling great in no time.

Wellness Infusion Treatment Instructions

Wellness Infusion Treatment Instructions

Pre-Treatment Recommendations:
● We ask that you eat prior to your appointment time – make sure protein is part of the meal/snack. 
● Bring along a book or music and wear comfortable warm clothes. Some people also feel cold during the infusion, so we recommend wearing layers.

Post-Treatment Recommendations:
● Unlike vitamins taken orally, this IV infusion will deliver essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream delivering them where they are needed efficiently and at full potency. Everyone’s body is different, so you were provided a personalized Wellness Infusion session with the nutrition your body required. We hope you enjoy your boost!

B12 Treatment Instructions

B12 Treatment Instructions

Pre-Treatment Recommendations:
● We ask that you eat prior to your appointment time – make sure protein is part of the meal/snack. 
• Avoid taking aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications.
● Please inform us before your treatment of any allergies or conditions listed below because they may interact with the B-12 shot:
• allergy to cyanocobalamin or cobalt
• hypokalemia (low potassium levels)
• kidney disease
• polycythemia vera (a rare blood disorder)
• Leber’s disease (an eye disease)
• deficiencies in other nutrients, particularly folic acid and iron

Post-Treatment Recommendations:
● Enjoy more energy, better mood, better sleep, and enhanced memory!

PRP Therapy Treatment Instructions

PRP Therapy Treatment Instructions

Pre-Treatment Instructions:
PRP Therapy is very safe because cells from the patient’s own blood are used, which means there are no preservatives and no chance of the body rejecting the cells. The primary risks and discomforts are related to the blood draw where there is a slight pinch to insert the needle for collection and there is a potential for bruising at the site. 
• Please drink plenty of fluids the night prior to your treatment. 
• For optimal results and to decrease the chance of bruising at the draw site, please avoid all blood thinning medications and herbal supplements for one week prior to your appointment if you can. Avoid taking Aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS) such as Ibuprofen, Motrin, and Aleve. 
• In addition, very high doses of some Vitamins and supplements can thin your blood and increase the chance of bruising. Please notify your provider if you are taking Coumadin, Plavix, or any other blood thinners for a medical condition. 
• During the course of your treatments, notify our staff of any changes to your medical history, health status, or personal activities that may be relevant to your treatment. 
• Please hydrate well the day before the procedure and the day of the procedure. 
• Eat breakfast or lunch.

Post-Treatment Recommendations:
• Feel free to wash your hair the morning of the PRP session (or at least the day before). It is fine to color your hair up to 3 days before the procedure.
• Please avoid heavy exercise the day of your procedure. Resuming the following day is fine. If you can, please wait 24 hours to wash your hair and it is fine to color your hair three days after the procedure. 
• Please do not use any styling products (gel, mousse spray) for 24 hours.
• Wearing a hat is fine. 
• Please limit sun on the area for 2 days